Razvoj farmacevtskih oblik. Related titles. Biokat in sek metab _ osnove FB 2009_Berlec. Trendi v moderni farmacevtski analitiki. Karboksilne kisline_2008. Zaključni procesi ri proizvodnji bioloških učinkovin-5.

In the dark, the total content of lipids and the level of neutral lipids in the seedlings in AMF were lower than in control material, and the ratio PhL/S decreased. In the light, the total content of lipids, as well as the level of polar and neutral lipids, in the seedlings in AMF was greater than in control material. The ratio between phospholipids and sterols (PhL/S) increased. Matematicheskaya statistika i ee rolj v medicine i zdravoohranenii my way. In polar lipids, the total amount of glyco-and phospholipids increased; in neutral lipids, the level of triacylglycerols rose.

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