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I need to drop Vuze and I am not sure what to move on to. I originally went with Vuze for the ability to convert video files and share them over the network to my xbox 360 but over the years Vuze has gotten more and more bloated and annoying. 3d filjmi anaglif torrent. The most recent update added some bullshit chatroom thing that makes a noise anytime a message comes over. I dont fucking want to chat with anyone who has the same torrents as me and I cant figure out how to disable it. Having a built in media converter would be nice but not mandatory.

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Mostly I want something that is minimalistic and lightweight, gets the job done and stays out of my way. Lollll I get it you love transmission. But you don't know what you are talking about. Can you run transmission headless? The chances that it can go feature to feature with rtorrent are less than none. Have you used rtorrent or deluge or are you just making stuff up?

Have you used transmission on linux? It's not the same as mac. Have you compared performance on seeding thousands of torrents?

I don't see transmission as the most common client on any tracker I use. Deluge, rtorrent, and utorrent represent the vast majority. I'm aware that transmission is likely the best OS X client.

Deluge and rTorrent are ugly as sin and confusing compared to Transmission. Learn from Apple: interface counts Ok, apple fanboy confirmed.

Deluge is pretty clean and skinnable. Don't remember a substantial ui difference between deluge and transmission in terms of user friendlyness.

I remember transmission lacking features. RTorrent is for linux users, which you are most clearly not. Many would argue with you about some more philosophical differences. Besides that, Transmission uses the least amount of resources, and yes, it can run as daemon (= headless, in case an idiot like you doesn't understands the term daemon).

Hell, FON, Belkin and Imageshack all use Transmission as their torrent backend. Fucking noob. Your are a deeply angry person, or probably just 15. I mean, what well adjusted adult says 'fucking noob' in all seriousness. Uses the least amount of resources? What platforms and clients have you tested? What some companies choose is meaningless to me.

I run torrent on private trackers - I choose clients suited to the task. Transmission simply isn't as featured as deluge or rtorrent, which both can be heavily extended to a users needs. I think multi-million dollar companies have a better idea of what the best client is compared to some random Linux user. If you believe otherwise you are pretty much delusional. You remind me of myself at 15. Multi-million dollar companies have different needs.

There is no 'best client' overall, just the best tool for the job. What I need, and what they need is totally different. Besides, deluge is widely regarded to actually have the best performance under the hood.