At the beginning of the 21st century a large number ofpublications that address the issues of studying, teaching, and educating children who have limited mental health. This is an object that studies oligophrenopedagogy. This is one of the branches of defectology that studies the problems of preparing for the life of mentally retarded people and considers the issues of their further social rehabilitation.

The history of the attitude of society towards dementia Modern science does not have any information about how,what position was occupied by abnormal people in primitive tribes. However, it is for certain fact that those members of society who were unable to take part in the production of food, or died themselves, or killed them. It is impossible to call humane attitude of society toweak-minded not only in ancient times, but also in the Middle Ages. Such people were looked upon as being deprived of the human beginning and doomed, therefore, not worthy of compassion and help. The society tried to protect itself from those whose behavior to some extent hurt its interests. A turning point in relation to dementiawas the Great French bourgeois revolution (1786-1793 gg.).

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This event marked the beginning of a new historic milestone in the development of the entire society. In addition, this revolution has had a tremendous impact on the development of sciences in various fields of knowledge. In 1793, the Declaration of Human Rights was published, in which, as in some decrees, it was said that public assistance to unfortunate people should be considered a sacred duty. At the same time, it was viewed not as charity or charity, but as a duty of the state. In the second half of the 19th century, the problem of dementiahas become particularly acute. This time is characterized by rapid industrial development, increased exploitation of workers and a significant deterioration in their living conditions.

All this has caused the growth in the number of abnormal children. That is why the research of dementia began to take into account aspects of psychological, pedagogical and clinical nature. All works were carried out with the purpose of the further prospect of development of intelligence of feeble-minded people. Continuation of work in this directioncontributed to the rapid flowering of the natural sciences.


This contributed to the emergence in the late 19 th - early 20 th century, two trends in understanding the nature and nature of dementia. Their representatives focused their efforts on the search for causes and clinical study of pathology, as well as on the education of mentally retarded children. Thus, psychiatrists such as V. Yakovenko and others made significant contributions to the development of oligophrenopedagogy. Attitude to dementia in Russia Care for the poor and holy fools on the territory of our country in former times was first manifested by the Orthodox Church.

This is indicated by official documents dating back to the 10th century. In ancient Russia people considered idiot peopleThey were pleasing to God and surrounded them with a halo of mystery and holiness. However, the holy fools that roamed the roads of the country caused a lot of evil. They committed a large number of crimes and arson. That is why there was a need for their isolation from society. The first such institution was opened in Riga by Dr.

Friedrich Plyats. It was a medical-pedagogical institution for the feeble-minded and suffering from seizures. Served this institution until 1941. Activities on the education and training of abnormal children were carried out in Rus and the military departments with the help of special gymnasiums.

Oligophrenopedagogy, whose history has madea new turn in the late 19th century, received a powerful impulse to its development thanks to the work of psychiatrists IG Ignatyeva and PI Kovalevsky. At the same time, they often pointed to the inadequacy of the assistance of public institutions for the development of mentally retarded children. At the same time EK Gracheva, engaged in research in the field of teaching and educating abnormal children, pointed to the harmfulness to society of ignoring such assistance. The Soviet stage of development of our state is distinguished by the creation of a differentiated network of special institutions. They were open to the education of children with low intelligence. Oligophrenopedagogy is a science that in SovietThe period was developed thanks to the fundamental works of IG Eremenko, IP Lauzhikas, IA Groshenkov, MN Perov, and many other researchers. To date, this discipline is being investigatedin the Research Institute of Correctional Pedagogics of the APN.

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Modern oligophrenopedagogy - what is it? This direction, studying the patterns and features in the development of mentally retarded children, which manifest themselves in the learning process. Research and development in this area is carried out by modern oligophrenopedagogists. Based on their work, certain adjustments are made to the system of not only special, but also general education. Relationship with other sciences Oligophrenopedagogy is not able to exist andDevelop without a number of related disciplines, which are conditionally divided into three blocks.