Ra running as a VST plug-in within Cubase SX — Kompakt performed flawlessly throughout the test period. Continuing the recent tradition for wedding software-instrument front ends to vast sample libraries, Ra is a 14GB collection of exotic and 'world' instruments with an NI Kompakt wrapper. Crack gestionale 1 zucchetti pasta sauce. The latest collaboration between East West and Quantum Leap is the Ra virtual instrument. For those that don't recall their ancient Egyptian mythology, Ra was regarded as the creator of everything, and the god of the sun (don't worry, I couldn't remember that either — but it's all explained in the excellent PDF manual which also gives some background on the instruments in this collection).

When you buy the license for an EastWest or Quantum Leap library, the license for the PLAY Sample Engine is included. As you install more libraries on the.

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The library producers thought this would be a suitable title for an ambitious collection of rare and ethnic instruments from around the globe. As shown by the screenshots throughout this article, like a number of other recent products from both East West/Quantum Leap and Zero G, Ra uses a custom version of Native Instruments' Kompakt as the software sample-playback front end. This is identical to the version of Kompakt included with the Colossus and Vapor libraries I looked at in February and July's SOS, so there is little need to repeat the details of the front end itself. However, it is worth recalling that the samples can only be accessed via the supplied version of Kompakt (or via the full version of one of NI's software samplers). This offers some copy protection to the producers of the library, as on-line registration is required via the Native Instruments web site, but unfortunately, it does prevent users from running different sample-playback software. Like a number of the newer breed of sample libraries, Ra is going to keep hard-drive manufacturers happy; at 14GB in size, it is supplied on four DVD-ROMs.

The samples themselves cover a range of 'world' instruments, drawn from six major regions — Africa, the Americas and Australia, Europe, the Far East, India, and the Middle East & Turkish Empire (presumably the former Ottoman one). A list of the instruments and ensembles supplied in Ra is provided in the ' Ra Round Up' box. While there is a reasonable selection of drum and percussion instruments in the list, the emphasis is on melodic instruments, as Quantum Leap are marketing Ra as a separate complement to their existing Stormdrum drum and percussion library. Regular SOS readers may recall Quantum Leap's earlier Rare Instruments sample library, which impressed Martin Walker back in SOS September 2001 issue, and was originally released on three CD-ROMs (in Akai and Gigastudio formats) at a cost of just over £300. Indeed, as explained in Ra 's documentation, Rare Instruments can be seen as the starting point for this library, as all the sounds from Rare Instruments are included.

However, this earlier material forms only 10 percent of Ra — the vast majority of the sample library is new content recorded specifically for this project at the high-profile Ocean Way studios in Hollywood. The Direct From Disk (DFD) extension has to be downloaded from the NI web site to allow Kompakt to stream the Ra samples from the hard drive. As might be expected given the overall size of the library, the sampling itself is both high resolution and comprehensive. The majority of the instruments have been recorded in several articulations and, by using keyswitch Programs, it is possible to access these various performance styles and 'play' each instrument. Two types of simpler Programs (termed 'Live' and 'Elements' Programs) are also provided. The former provides a basic articulation with some velocity-sensitive articulation changes while the latter generally contains a single articulation and FX-style performances. All the instruments have been tuned to a western equal-tempered scale, even those that don't usually play in this scale, although this is probably a very sensible move, given that the majority of users will wish to mix these instruments with others in their collection.