The implementation of standard removes the creative element of the program. Some of these disadvantages of using ISO are the amount of money that needs. Advantages of ISO 9000. Both business analysts and investors can benefit by implementation of ISO 9000 system. The benefits range from minor staff issues to the operational strategies and impact production and quality of the production. Implementation and adaptation of ISO 9000 systems includes following advantages.

Drawbacks From Certification Life: Drawbacks From Certification Life Depending on the application needed, ISO 9000 certification may be used for the life cycle of one project or for the entirety of the company Certification can take as little as a few months or extend beyond a year Certification throughout the life of the company can lead to unforeseen expenses in the future If an assessment is not calculated properly money could be wasted towards being certified when it is not necessary Certification can damage small companies and companies with limited resources.

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Luc Marivoet – Senior Consultant Engineering Services @ Pauwels Consulting Why should you consider a certified ISO 9001 quality management system? On the one hand, we see that organisations are often forced or feel obliged to implement a certified ISO 9001 quality management system. More and more clients demand that their suppliers work in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard. On the other hand, we see that increasing numbers of organisations set up a certified ISO 9001 quality management system on their own initiative. These organisations want to become more professional and make the quality of their products and services clear, measurable and controllable in order to distinguish themselves from other suppliers. In any case, the introduction of an ISO 9001 quality management system typically gives an organisation more order and structure, which is usually to the benefit of the quality of its products and services.

The eight benefits of a certified ISO 9001 quality management system As an organisation, you can always choose to work in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard, but you can also choose to be certified by an independent party (such as a certification body). In practice, we see eight major benefits in choosing a certified ISO 9001 quality management system: • You have objective proof that your organisation attaches great importance to quality and that you have it checked regularly by an independent party. This commitment increases confidence in your organisation. • You achieve higher operating efficiency. Organisations that consider quality management to be an integral part of their business operations usually achieve a higher operating efficiency than those that do not. • A certified ISO 9001 quality management system increases the quality of your services and raises your staff’s awareness.


• A certified ISO 9001 quality management system ensures clear processes and (communication) structures, tasks and responsibilities throughout the entire organisation. This increases the involvement of your staff, which improves the working atmosphere and reduces the pressure of work. • You can detect and identify problems in good time, which means that you can quickly take steps to avoid the same mistakes in the future. • You make it clear to your staff, your partners, your clients and the outside world that customer satisfaction is at the core of your business. • A certified ISO 9001 quality management system gives you a positive company image, raising you up to the level of your competitors or perhaps even a level higher. • It is possibly also in your commercial interest, seeing that more and more clients demand that their suppliers work in accordance with a certified ISO 9001 quality management system.

Are you considering working in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard? But don’t take half measures. We recommend that you implement a certified ISO 9001 quality management system right away. Contrary to what many organisations still think, implementing a certified ISO 9001 quality management system is. Do you still have any questions or doubts? We would be pleased to help you! Any questions or more information?