Florencia Fazzarino is a poor girl but with a personality that's worth millions. She is funny, energetic and supersticious. Streaming drama korea the heirs subtitle indonesia

In her early twenties she finds herself the new nanny of the fritzenwalden family, a german family of 5 orphan children. She is quickly accepted and loved by the whole family, as she brings happiness to them. The oldest one of the children, Federico, is in charge and his strict education and behavior soon crashes with flor's style, making her to call him 'Freezer'. He is also boyfriend of Delfina, who everyone calls the witch because of the mean things she does to everyone along side her mother Malala. Even though he is with Delfina, somehow Florencia's behavior and energy will make him 'melt down' over time making both of them (Flor and Fede) fall madly in love with each other. Malala and Delfina have an economic interest in Federico because when Delfina's father died, he left them with no chance of claiming the inheritance money, unless they find his misterious.

Floricienta maybe could became a little childish and repetitive after a while but it has several thinks that carry the whole story and make this soap IMPERDIBLE (you can't loose it). That are: 1) Isabel Macedo, 'Delfina'. She is just great, she is such a great actress, she understands that this is a show mostly for kids and teen and that her character has to be a little overacted. She has to be a witch, and she is not afraid to do it, she is not afraid to be bad, mean and also to be ridiculous, because she knows she can still be sexy. In the first season she made out with Juan Gil Navarro (Federico) and Pablo Heredia (Pedro) and in the second with Fabio Di Tomasso (Maximo) and Esteban prol (Lorenzo). Isn't really good to be bad?

2) Graciela Stefano, 'Malala', She is wonderful, funny and a real witch. Great great actress 3) Gerardo Chendo 'Bonilla', super fun and adorable to. I would always remember all his quotes like: 'por supus', 'malaleich' and 'por siempre floricienta'. With Malala make a duo really bad but funny too 4) Esteban Prol. He is the bad guy who is with the bad girl (delfina), but became good when falls in love with the good girl (Florencia). Although he is a little bit stereotyped, I just love him.

5) The songs!!! 6) Florencia, Juan Gil Navarro, Fabio Di Tomaso, Benjamin Rojas:), Henny Trailes, etc. All of them really good. But, have you realize that I just love bad boys?

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Jul 24, 2015  Floricienta - Capitulo 120 - 2° Temporada. Continue with Facebook Continue with Google. Continue with email. No account yet? For You Explore. Do you want to remove all your recent searches? All recent searches will be deleted. Cancel Remove. Playing next. Flor & Fede - Y Asi Sera (Floricienta. Jan 31, 2018 - PerO tengO que buscar de capiituLo en capitulo y de pare en parte! 15 oct 2018 Primera de capitulos floricienta descargar temporada.