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Sound card maker Creative Labs, which warned driver modder/hacker Daniel Kawakami to stop distributing fixed versions of its broken Vista drivers, 'fessed up to its PR disaster today and says it doesn't want to be a spoilsport. 'We have read the strong feedback about Creative's forum post regarding driver development by Daniel_k and other outside parties. Creative's message posted on our behalf by our Company spokesperson tried to address our concern about the improper distribution of certain software which is the property of other companies. However, we did not make it as clear as we would have liked that we do support driver development by independent third parties. The huge task of developing driver updates to accommodate the many changes in the Vista operating system and the extensive testing required, including the lengthy Vista certification requirements for audio, makes it very difficult for Creative to develop updates for all past products. Outside developers have been very helpful to Creative and our customers by developing updates for many of our Sound Blaster products, and we do support and appreciate these efforts. This however does not extend to the unauthorized distribution of other companies' property.

We hope to work out a mutually agreeable method for working with Daniel_k in supporting his efforts in driver development. Going forward, we are committed to doing a better job of working more closely with third parties to support their development for our products and our customers.' Why don't you *just stop deliberately crippling your official Vista drivers? Programming * [Creative].

Sep 29, 2011  Unofficial SB Audigy Series Software CD (Rev 2) for Windows 2000 / XP / Server 2003 / Vista (32/64-bit) by Daniel Kawakami Fully integrated and automated install, supporting Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista (32-bit and 64-bit), installs proper drivers.