Senior Turkish politicians: If Khashoggi was murdered, Saudi Arabia's relations will suffer, with Turkey and the world. The Turkish government has told US officials that it has audio and video recordings that prove Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was killed in Istanbul, according to US and Turkish officials.

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The recordings show that a Saudi security team detained Khashoggi in the consulate after he walked in on October 2 to obtain an official document before his upcoming wedding, then killed him and dismembered his body, the officials said. The audio recording in particular provides some of the most persuasive and gruesome evidence that the Saudi team is responsible for Khashoggi's death, the officials said. Members of the Turkish-Arab Journalist Association hold posters with photos of Jamal Khashoggi as they protest near the Saudi Arabia consulate in Istanbul. The disappearance of Khashoggi during a visit to his country's consulate in Istanbul raises a dark question for anyone who dares criticise governments or speak out against those in power: Will the world have their back? A second person briefed on the recording said men could be heard beating Khashoggi. The journalist has had long-standing ties to the Saudi royal family, but has written critically of the current government and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The existence of such evidence would explain why Turkish officials were quick to blame Saudi Arabia for Khashoggi's killing. But Turkish officials are wary of releasing the recordings, fearing they could divulge how the Turks spy on foreign entities in their country, the officials said. Mohammed has billed himself as a reformer and moderating force in the country, and he has become a key strategic partner in particular to Jared Kushner, the US president's son-in-law and senior adviser. Kushner has tried to promote Mohammed to skeptical national security officials, who have long viewed him as an impetuous and ruthless leader who has an overly simplistic view of the complex challenges the United States faces in the Middle East. During a bill signing Thursday in the Oval Office, US President Donald Trump called Khashoggi's suspected murder 'a terrible thing,' but stopped short of assigning blame. Security personnel stand at the entrance of Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul on Friday.

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Origin pro download torrent. Germany is calling on Saudi Arabia to 'participate fully' in clearing up reports that he may have been killed. 'We're looking at it very strongly,' Trump said. 'We'll be having a report out soon.

We're working with Turkey, we're working with Saudi Arabia. What happened is a terrible thing, assuming that happened. I mean, maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised, but somehow I tend to doubt it.' Within the White House, on Capitol Hill and among US intelligence officials there is a growing belief that Khashoggi is dead and that Saudi Arabia is to blame. That conclusion is driven in part by US intelligence reports before Khashoggi's disappearance that show Mohammed ordered an operation to lure Khashoggi back to Saudi Arabia, where he was to be detained. US officials familiar with the reports described them to The Washington Post.